But I couldn't face my fears where it really mattered.
So I ran from my fears and buried their whispers.
There are still many things that 'present' as fear.
Fear still gets in. But now I can observe the fear, and see the program run, rather than be stuck in it.
By facing our fears and moving through it, it begins to break down.
When you face your fears and look deeper, you see that they are not even real. The are the 'program' of fear. It's the mind.
The things we fear seem scary at face value – but it’s just False Evidence Appearing Real.
When you feel it, know it won’t actually harm you. See it as just a program that is running. The only way out is through.
Mindful drawing is a powerful tool to teach you to face your fears, because it teaches you to know yourself, layer by layer.
It will teach you to observe your thoughts and your fears. You begin to see what you are afraid of. Slowly, you learn the names of your fears.
Gradually, you become braver to go in and explore why fear exists in certain areas of your life.
You begin to realise there’s nuggets of gold in there, and you become braver to go and collect them.
You’ll begin to see that this is the path to expansion beyond the limitations of what you were.
Here are some root causes of why fear exists:
Fear exists because we’re afraid of putting ourselves out there. Maybe we’re afraid to get hurt, or we’re afraid of being laughed at.
A common fear is being rejected, or being left alone. Or falling, or failing or worrying what people think.
Often we don’t try new things because we’re afraid it’ll be too hard or we’re not good enough. Fear (your mind), wants you to stay small – where you’re ‘safe’.
But then we can’t grow. And this is not what we’re on Earth to do.
When you’re on the path of consciousness expansion, we refuse to stay small. We won’t be silent, or boxed in.
Our warning lights flash at comfort zones, because we know they are NO GROWTH ZONES.