Light in my Shadow

Solar Plexus Chakra – I Drew This to Activate My Willpower

This solar plexus chakra was one of the first mindful drawings I did, way back in around 2017 – right when when I was scraping myself of the shitty floor of rock bottom.

The reason I’m writing a post about it, is because it’s one of my most important pieces. It changed my life. Well, to be precise, the picture didn’t change my life, but the PROCESS of drawing it totally did.Drawing this picture was one big magical power up to call in and activate my willpower.

It’s a personal power symbol.
One that I desperately needed at the time.

I also drew another personal power symbol around the same time – a blue throat chakra – when I was focused on learning how to speak my truth and summon the power of my voice.

The reason I drew a symbol of the Solar Plexus Chakra, was as a person who was stuck deep in addiction for decades, willpower was one of those things I was painfully lacking. Addiction was controlling me like a puppet – I had no self-control, or personal power.

My addictions were big ones – to alcohol, drugs and gambling. I’ve also seen the same addictive behaviours show up with eating food, but the BIG ones that destroyed my life? The first three. They were my monsters.

It turns out we humans can get addicted to anything we do on a regular basis.
How much is it hurting you and others around you is the big question.
How much is it controlling you and distracting you from your emotions, fears or suppressed traumas?

I had a reiki session years ago with a poor woman who knew nothing about my addictions, but later she told me when she got to my solar plexus chakra, it was so out of balance, she got really nauseous. I temporarily poisoned her.

I was mortified at the time, but looking back on it, it doesn’t surprise me. I’d done some work by this stage, but I was still stuck RIGHT IN IT. I was still a powerless addict. Lucky it didn’t happen a few years earlier or she would have probably projectile vomited right then and there, all over her crystals.

Years later, when I was on my recovery journey, mindfully drawing my way out of hell, I decided to draw the solar plexus symbol of the chakra, which is a yellow flower with 10 petals and a triangle in the centre (I drew two triangles – one pointing up, one pointing down).

For weeks I drew on the floor of my nephew’s toy room, meditating on the meaning of this chakra, while listening to solar plexus meditation music. It’s this track here if you want to give it a listen…six hours of background music that’s become really familiar and sentimental to me, marking a transformational point in my life.

In 2019 a really weird and cool sychronicity happened to me relating to my new willpower…

Back in 2015 I legally changed my surname – because I didn’t want my step dad’s surname anymore – but I was also running from so many debt collectors I needed a fresh start. I randomly chose Williams off the top of my head (creative I know).

Fast forward a few years later. In March 2019, for my 44th birthday I went away to a little beach town by myself, and one of the things I planned to do while I was away, was to decide if I was going to keep this surname, or pick a fresh one. I’d finally got my shit together and I was planning on going for both my driver’s licence and my passport, so I needed to commit to a surname that I wanted to keep.

I took some photos while I was away, and on the bus on the way back home, I looked at the photos. And I saw my sign. Literally. The side street I was staying on was William Street. It was right out my window and I didn’t know until I looked at the photos. So I knew then, that’s the name I’m keeping.

See it? This is zoomed right in. On the original photo it was a tiny ant-sized sign, like a needle in a haystack...It was MY sign.

Then I realised what this name means. It means WILL I AM – willpower, strength, discipline I AM. My greatest challenge in this lifetime. My name was now an affirmation of WILL. Of strength. Of discipline. Of the person that I was transforming into. I was weaving this affirmation into my identity, and I didn’t even know it.

It gets a bit weirder.

Later that same year in September 2019, I moved out of my sister’s house and into the most perfect tiny apartment (where I still live in 2024) – and it just happened to be on…….Williams Street. It’s now my name AND it’s my street.

Strength and discipline I am. This has turned out to be true. I have gone from the most dysfunctional addict – who was completely controlled by addiction which ended up destroying (old) me – to a person who has a far more balanced Solar Plexus Chakra. I have won the battle with those ‘demons’ – which in actuality were just neglected aspects of myself that were pushed away into the shadows of my subconscious to wreck havoc.

These split off aspects of my shadow self are now integrated back into my wholeness, and they have taught me so much. Now I feed them love.

And this was the drawing that kickstarted it all for me.

By mindful drawing and meditating upon my solar plexus chakra – the energetic centre where my personal power radiates from – I was setting a strong intention to re-code and balance this chakra. And by creating the actions in real life in tiny baby steps to get me there, it happened.

Intention and Action can create any change we desire.

And this has changed my life.

Stay tuned for tutorials on how to create your own personal power symbol soon – what area of life do you need to change? Create a symbol that helps you meditate on cracking through your programs, and changing it.

Never forget: You are a powerful creator, you can create anything you choose.