To function in a state of flow is an optimum state of being.
You’re flowing with the current of life, instead of swimming against it. When you’re swimming against the current, everything you do is a slog. It just seems really hard.
The reason it’s hard, is because you’re not in flow. You’re out of alignment with what you’re meant to be doing.
So how do you tap into flow states?
There are several key factors that can swing open the door to flow:
– You’re partaking in an activity of some kind – that is – you’re engaged in doing something;
– Attention and concentration. You’re intently focused on what you’re doing;
– Engaging in an activity that requires enough skill level to challenge you, yet not too much that your task is difficult. It can’t be so easy that it induces boredom (lack of engagement);
– Repetition is a factor. Your conscious mind can take a back seat which induces a ‘zone’;
Mindful drawing often triggers flow states, because it contains the elements that creates it.
Mindful drawing involves repetition which creates a rhythm that induces flow.
One of the principles of mindful drawing is, “Go slow, get into the flow”. Repetition means you don’t require your conscious thinking mind, so it’s easy to enter the ‘zone’.
You’re fully focused on what you’re doing, and you’ll likely get sparks of joy and gratitude which raise life force. These open up the vortex of flow.
It may not be the same for everyone. Everyone has different things they enjoy doing. It may not happen every time you do that thing.
When you consistently practice mindful drawing (or any creative, or meditative practice), you’ll sooner or later tap into flow states. The more you do it, the further you raise your high frequency gamma brainwaves, which raises your vibration, which opens up further flow.
With practice, it becomes easier to tap into flow states in other areas of your life.
And these are flow states. It’s a state of energetic harmony with what you’re doing.