Deciding to improve your self-care kicks in pretty early in your mindful drawing practice.
Your personal plan to improve self-care might look something like this:
Eat less meat this week. Cook at home a little more instead of getting takeout so much. Spend some time away from the kids to recharge ON YOUR OWN instead of going bonkers. Go for a long walk. Have a bath until your feet are all wrinkly and not feel guilty. Make time for mindful drawing and journal about the process. Drink more hibiscus tea. Stop with the online shopping (cause you know you don’t need all that the shit). Cut down on wine. Watch less trashy reality shows. Read that book. Listen to more podcasts or immerse yourself in silence. Maybe it’s a desire to practice setting better boundaries.
What I do next, is I get all excited.
The harder half of this well-versed scenario, is actually doing these things.
I’ve never had a problem knowing what to do to improve self-care.
And when old programs slide back in and override your willpower, it’s a kick in the guts.
I have so many examples of my lack of self-care.
I can’t actually fathom old me now.
Not long into your consistent practice of mindful drawing, you’ll start getting inklings on what you should do less of, and what you feel you should do more of to contribute to a healthier, happier you.
I can teach you the same way I learned through mindful drawing if you wish to learn. When your intention is strong and you put in the work, regardless of how long it takes to improve self-care, you WILL get there.