Light in my Shadow

Benefits of Mindful Drawing

Manage Empathy and Compassion

Until you learn to manage empathy and compassion, it can hurt like hell because you feel more. This is hard because the world we live in is rife with suffering. But once you learn how to manage it, it becomes an enormous gift. It’s no accident there are increasing numbers of highly sensitive people and

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Connect with Gratitude

When you connect with gratitude, you tap into one of the biggest highs you can experience, because being in a state of gratitude is as high-frequency as it gets. It’s pure love. As a person who was a gigantic, dysfunctional addict, this is what I looked for everywhere. It’s free and it’s all around you

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Overcome Addiction

This post is bloody long, because my addictions were whoppers. Learning how to overcome addiction was one of the most difficult challenges in my entire existence. It was the headlining theme for more than two decades of my life. My own addiction story is woven into this post, but the point of it all, is

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